According to Odaily Planet Daily, Starknet will soon allow its on-chain artificial intelligence (AI) agents to autonomously perform on-chain activities for users, such as optimizing returns and reallocating portfolios. Giza, a company that aims to introduce artificial intelligence to blockchain, completed a $3 million Pre-Seed round of financing led by CoinFund in July 2023. Co-founder Renç Korzay said that the AI agent will be deployed on Starknet by the end of June and will then be expanded to other chains.
Korzay said its AI agents can take over four activities, the first of which is yield aggregation. In later versions, AI agents will also become "robo-advisors that find the best portfolio configuration for users based on their risk preferences." During the testing phase, the Giza team will review and approve agent strategies to ensure security. In the future, agents will become fully permissionless through the Giza protocol, which will provide crypto and crypto-economic security to ensure trust-minimized exchanges between developers and users. They can also autonomously provide liquidity on DEXs, or make leveraged price bets, and "predict price movements" and adjust cryptocurrency holdings "according to the strategies set by users." Yield-optimizing AI agents will be deployed first, followed by other types of AI agents.