According to TechFlow, Ordinals developer Leonidas tweeted to predict the evolution of Runes: After the launch of the Runes protocol, some technicians began to use it, but ordinary users were dissatisfied with its user experience, and medium-influencers turned a blind eye to Runes. As the user experience improved, some large exchanges began to list Runes, but medium-influencers still had a negative attitude towards Runes and waited to see its market value rise. After the market overheated and adjusted, medium-influencers began to accuse Runes of being just a temporary craze. However, builders continued to work hard to attract more mainstream investors and make early holders profitable. Medium-influencers secretly followed Runes, waiting for the opportunity to buy at the bottom and publicize it in a high-profile manner. Leonidas said that Ordinals is just an NFT on Bitcoin, while Runes is just a Meme coin on Bitcoin.