According to Foresight News, decentralized Ethereum staking infrastructure has released an article titled 'Decentralized Pioneer: Launching Incentive Mainnet'. The article states that to expand the adoption of Distributed Validator Technology (DVT), SSV DAO has launched a 12-month incentive plan, with early DVT adopters receiving staking rewards of up to 50% APY increase. The plan will run for 12 rounds, each lasting one month, from epoch 232538 to epoch 314887. The program may end early if rewards are exhausted.

To participate in the incentive mainnet, validators must register on on or after October 1st, until the plan ends or the SSV tokens in the dedicated multisig wallet are depleted. Validator rewards are determined based on the performance of the beacon chain proof in each round. Performance is measured by the number of active days in the round, with validators active for at least 90% of the time receiving more rewards than those active for only part of the time. Validators on the mainnet will receive SSV token rewards based on a tiered reward system. The system aims to provide maximum incentives in the early stages of the project while reducing the number of SSV minted as the project progresses. All rewards are distributed by round.

Rewards can be claimed on the Ethereum mainnet using the 1inch Accumulative Merkle Distributor contract. The contract will be owned and controlled by the DAO multisig committee. Any unclaimed rewards will be rolled over to the next round of distribution, and after the plan ends on October 1, 2025, unclaimed rewards will be returned to the DAO treasury.