According to Foresight News, F2Pool co-founder Wang Chun has commented on Paxos' claim of nearly 20 BTC fees, stating that due to time zone differences, Paxos' claim was actually submitted after the initially announced deadline. Wang Chun expressed frustration, saying, 'I am very annoyed and regret agreeing to return those 20 BTC, especially when I see the claimant keeps saying it is EST and not EDT/UTC time. Last time someone from Zcash did this, I banned their entire company.' Wang Chun initiated a poll to gather community opinions on the matter. As of the time of writing, out of 1,947 voters, 36.8% believe the fees should be distributed to miners, 27.3% think they should be returned to Paxos, 21.3% voted to freeze this portion of BTC, and the remaining voters support splitting the fees between miners and Paxos.

Previously, Foresight News reported that on September 11, a Bitcoin transaction with a payment fee worth over 19 BTC (over $500,000) occurred. F2Pool co-founder Wang Chun stated, 'Temporarily shelve these 20 BTC. If no one claims them within three days, they will be redistributed to miners.' Later, stablecoin issuer Paxos admitted in a September 13 statement that the account that paid nearly 20 BTC fees in a single transaction on September 11 belonged to Paxos.