According to Foresight News,, a decentralized Ethereum staking infrastructure, has launched its mainnet focused on distributed validator technology. The mainnet achieves decentralized staking by connecting users to a network of operators that jointly manage Ethereum validator nodes. The launch of the mainnet has over ten release partners who have integrated their staking DApp with SSV, including Stader, Ankr, Stakestar, 01node, Metapool, StakeTogether, XHash, Chainup, Coindelta, and Claystack.

The deployment of SSV's mainnet is carried out in multiple stages, starting with a limited launch last month. The current stage allows the public to participate in SSV through the launch partner applications. In the fourth quarter, when the network enters its final stage known as 'permissionless launch', users will be able to directly stake with the SSV network and become node operators.