Details about Paws NFT Mint 🌙🌙
➡️ Who can mint it?
Those who have 300k+ Paws Points and who were eligible for Airdrop can Mint it.
➡️ What does it take to make Mint?!
Something Sol Gas Fees and 300k Paws Point you must have in the account
➡️ 300k points will be deducted at once??
Hmm, of course they clearly said, 300k Paws Point is Minting Cost
➡️ How to sell after doing NFT?
Do Mint first? Then go to Magieden Wallet Connect? Then floor price or want to sell with your price? Place it
➡️ Current Price ETC
Currently the price of 300k Voucher is 0.10 Sol 24$ which many have already dumped, also 5% royalty fee will be deducted.
➡️ Key: Is it the same as Notcoin?
Many won by Voucher in Notcoin? Many people regretted? So the decision is yours? If you think the paws will be lower than the listing price, then you can sell it
Thanks everyone 😍🖤