•Do you know why we lose?

:It's because of a lack of trading discipline. You follow the advice of traders all over the country. You do whatever anyone says, meaning there's no guarantee that what they say is right or wrong!

Just because someone is a YouTuber doesn't mean they're telling the truth.

Listen, there are more listeners than speakers!! The listener's job is to discern whether the speaker is telling the truth. What is their knowledge? How much do they know, all of this should be understood and verified before listening to their words.

Similarly, when trading, verify the person whose signal you are taking or whose words you are following. And don't get confused by following everyone.

Someone says sell, someone says buy. Then you make the wrong decision under pressure. So follow one person whom you will follow. If there are multiple mentors, losses will continue to increase.

Thanks for your time 😌 Hoping for the best
