$25 Turned into $11,770 in 14 Hours 🚀

This genius trader turned 0.102 SOL ($25.42) into ~36 SOL ($8,870) by investing in the newly launched memecoin $ELF

🔸 Still holding 400k $ELF worth $2,600.

🔸 Total profit = $11,770 🤯

🔸 That's a 458x gain in 14 hours!

👉 Note: This isn’t luck. This trader invested in 200-300+ memecoins, most ended in losses. But one massive win like this flipped the entire portfolio into profit.

Sometimes, all it takes is one move to change the game. 🤑

#Memecoin #Crypto #BTC走势分析 $BTC $TRUMP $RUNE