To explain why I chose and recommend DEGO, everyone looking to profit from currencies should understand the idea of ​​rising currency prices, so that they can see things clearly.

For example:

We have DEGO with a total supply of 21 million units. If 21 million people buy 1$ per person, its price will be 1$ quite simply. But if they buy 100$ per person, its price will be 100$ per coin. If its founders support it, for example, with an amount estimated at $210 million, its price will be 110$ .

As for a coin with a total supply of 500 trillion units, for example, when we put the same amount that was pumped into the DEGO coin, for example: Hahaha, the price here will be several zeros away, 0.00000000555. That means if all the whales cooperate to raise it to convince the rest of the world to own it, they will not be able to bring the price to 0.0055. But when the whales sell, the price returns. Again with several zeros.

Therefore, it is preferable to combine the efforts of investors in a currency whose total supply is small, and when they advertise it and people from all over the world invest in it, it will become like a money-making machine for a number of people without dispersing efforts in several currencies, the number of which is like being lost in the desert sands.

Please understand this idea so that time and effort are not wasted in vain.

This market does not benefit from recommendations or candlestick studies, but rather logic and cooperation in applying logic.