A successful journey is about to begin again, if you are going to do your best to achieve your goal, you must take risks and have strong faith. Understand the difference that a market reversal can make. It is like the ocean never dries up, only the waves change, the tides move. Think for a moment, look at this as if you know that the ocean and the sky you see are the same, even if you see it from afar, it is never the same. Never leave here without knowing the beginning of your journey. If you want to experience the beauty of the journey, start it with mature and very experienced people. Do not go alone and get lost in an invisible dimension. If you can remember the journey of someone you once accompanied, you can start a journey alone again. The land is the same. No matter how much you know the land, you can only gain a great understanding of it through the way it can be traveled and the representations in the relevant aspects. Respect the person who informs you well in a small way. You will win.