The analysis of yesterday evening gave a bearish idea, and perfectly walked out of the 3000-point correction. At the same time, the short-term support was given near 91300. This morning, the big cake pulled back to near 91300 and failed to show a substantial decline. Then it rebounded upward. According to the previous trend of probing 91300, the current support is still very strong. According to the analysis of various indicators, in the short term, you can use the upper pressure of 95800 and the lower support of 91300 to carry out high-altitude and low-long operations. If there is a substantial breakthrough, you can choose to follow the trend to carry out long and short operations, that is, if there is a sharp breakthrough of 95800, follow the trend to go long, and if it falls below 91300, follow the trend to go short. At present, the upper pressure of 95800 is still relatively strong. I personally suggest that you focus on high altitudes and pay close attention to the non-agricultural situation in the evening.