If you are trading high-frequency contracts, you may not even be aware of the existence of transaction fees, or you might overlook this small fee. Little do you know, the fees from frequent trading could even exceed your principal, which is a significant cost. Open the Binance APP -- Funds -- Contracts -- Today's Profit and Loss -- Funding Fees and Trading Fees. You can see your transaction fees for the past year. 🤷 Suppose: your position is opening a large contract, calculated at ninety thousand. For a regular user, the transaction fee for one order is generally, 90,000 × 0.02% × 2 = 36U ——— 90,000 × 0.05% × 2 = 90U. This is just for one order; if there are two orders a day, the monthly transaction fee would be: 36 × 2 × 30 = 2160U ——— 90 × 2 × 30 = 5400U. Over a year, the transaction fees would be: 2160 × 12 = 25920U ——— 5400 × 12 = 64800U. For those engaged in high-frequency contract trading with large positions, your transaction fees may exceed your principal in just one month. Therefore, you must open a rebate; you need to reclaim the fees that can be recovered; otherwise, all the fees go to the market. Different invitation codes, rebate ratios, rebate methods, and rebate times vary, and a 5% difference in rebate can amount to hundreds or thousands of U in large trading volumes. 🔺 Fee rebates are mutually beneficial, but they are not meant to deceive users who do not understand; strict measures should be taken against those deceptive KOLs. For veteran contract users, it is crucial to get a rebate; otherwise, the losses are enormous! #比特币价格走势分析 #特朗普上台概念币有哪些? #晒交易赢奖励 #美国非农数据即将公布 $BTC $ETH