According to Chaincatcher, UXUY, incubated by Binance Labs, announced that the number of its Telegram wallet users has exceeded 10 million, becoming the world's fastest growing crypto multi-chain wallet🎉. UXUY is Telegram's first multi-chain wallet, supporting multiple mainstream public chains including TON, Bitcoin Lightning Network, BNB Chain, Solana, etc., and is committed to providing a diversified crypto asset trading experience for 900 million Telegram users.

At present, more than 1.2 million users have completed multi-chain asset transactions through UXUY. UXUY takes advantage of Telegram's ecological advantages, deeply cooperates with multiple public chains, lowers the transaction threshold, and provides users with $UP transaction rewards💰. Founder Kevin said that Telegram is becoming an important entrance to the globalization of the crypto industry, and UXUY is exploring more possibilities for Social Trading🌐.