Pakistani crypto trader forced to transfer $340K in kidnapping incident

According to Foresight News, Decrypt reported that Pakistani cryptocurrency trader Muhammad Arsalan was kidnapped and forced to transfer $340,000 in cryptocurrency to his captors. A security expert confirmed that the involvement of corrupt law enforcement officials in the kidnapping complicated the investigation.

Dear digital friend, here are some tips to maintain your digital identity and safety.

1 Do not deal with people outside the platform you are active on.

2 Do not disclose the size of your digital assets inside or outside the platform to anyone.

3 Always keep your valuable digital assets in a cold wallet away from the Internet and secure it with strong passwords.

4 Always keep and enable the backup feature for your personal phone.

5 Your passwords are the safety door to your personal wallet. Do not leave them within reach or forget them. Write them down in a personal notebook and keep them in a special place for you.

6 May you be safe and sound. Peace be upon you.