Last night was a complete disaster! I thought the position at 97000 could hold steady, but one piece of Unfavourable Information after another kept coming out, which directly confused the market.
First, let's talk about what happened specifically:
1. Trump's side has made big news again.
- The New York court rejected his request to postpone sentencing, so he may have to face trial before he is elected.
- And then he also made tough remarks at the Sea Lake Manor, saying that he wanted to annex Canada, seize the Panama Canal, and so on... This really shocked the international community.
2. Musk suddenly poured cold water
- Previously, everyone thought that X platform was going to do cryptocurrency payments, but Musk directly said that it is not being considered for now.
- Just talking about starting with fiat currency payment has dampened the enthusiasm of the currency circle at once.
3. How tragic is the data?
Look at the liquidation data for this 4-hour period:
- A total of 136 million US dollars exploded
- ETH exploded over 40 million
- BTC exploded 25.1 million
- DOGE and SOL each exploded around 6.6 million
- The worst part is the bulls, accounting for 91.9%
The attitude of the Federal Reserve over there is not very optimistic:
- It is almost certain that January will be a standstill (95.2% probability)
- The hope of a rate cut by March is also slim, with a probability of over 60% for maintaining the interest rate unchanged
In the short term, the market will definitely continue to fluctuate, after all, there is so much Unfavourable Information. But don't be too pessimistic. In the long run, the development prospects of cryptocurrency are still very good. The most important thing now is to stabilize your mentality and not be carried away by market sentiment. Don't indulge in various high-leverage contracts...