

Of course, God is the Provider, the Mighty, the Powerful, and He is the One who distributes provisions among His servants with wisdom and justice. As for the question of losing hope in owning Bitcoin by investors with limited income, the matter requires a balanced perspective:

Have the poor lost hope of owning Bitcoin?

It cannot be said that hope is completely lost, because the cryptocurrency market is characterized by multiple opportunities that allow everyone to invest in different ways. It is true that the price of Bitcoin is high, but there are points to take into account:

1. Ability to buy small parts of Bitcoin

  • Buying Bitcoin does not require owning a full unit (1 BTC).

  • Bitcoin can be purchased in small fractions such as 0.0001 BTC, making it available even with limited funds.

2. Market volatility provides opportunities.

  • The cryptocurrency market experiences periodic fluctuations, and prices may sometimes fall, allowing new investors to enter.

3. Diversify your options

  • Instead of focusing solely on Bitcoin, poor investors can start with other cryptocurrencies that are less expensive and have growth potential.

4. Simple Investment Strategies

  • HODLing or Dollar-Cost Averaging allows you to build a portfolio gradually without needing large amounts of money.

The role of faith in God in striving and livelihood

It is important to always remind yourself that sustenance is in the hands of Allah Almighty. Work and effort are required, but the results are in the hands of Allah. Allah Almighty says:

“And in the heaven is your provision and that which you are promised.” (Adh-Dhariyat: 22)

  • Believing that sustenance comes from God should be a motivator to continue striving and working without despair.

  • Whoever strives will find, and whoever works sincerely in his endeavor, God will bless him with his livelihood, whether it is in Bitcoin or any other source.

Conclusion: Hope never ends

Despite the financial challenges, investing in Bitcoin or any other field is possible with patience and planning. And do not forget that the blessing is not in the amount but in God’s satisfaction with your provision, as God opens the doors of goodness to those who trust in Him and do what they can.

“There is no creature on earth but that upon Allah is its provision.” (Hud: 6)