The midnight big pie's downward trend remains unchanged, further probing the bottom of the previous oscillation range, reaching a low of around 96100, again giving us over a thousand points of decline. The midnight public reminder to grasp the high cone continued the strategy, easily taking down the big pie with 1382 points and the aunt with 62 points. Recently, the volatility of shipping has gradually expanded, and opportunities have correspondingly increased. If your sensitivity to shipping is not good and you cannot keep up with the pace of shipping in time, it is advised to operate less and learn more to avoid unnecessary losses.

From the current market, it can be seen that after the midnight big pie tested the bottom support, it did not continue to extend downward and has shown signs of stabilization. From the four-hour level, the morning successfully closed in the positive, breaking the previous continuous negative situation; the volume of the cone is obviously insufficient, and the white market is expected to proceed with an oscillating repair trend. From the hourly level, the K-line alternates between positive and negative runs, with both the low and high points gradually rising, and there is a strong expectation of recovery in the later market. In the morning, we can smoothly enter the market to capture the rebound.

​Big Pie: 96800, looking up to 98200.

​Aunt: 3380, looking up to 3480. #加密市场回调 #比特币走势观察 #加密市场反弹