➡️Make Passive Income : You don’t need to become a Technical Guru to make Decent Gains 😁😁😁
➡️Here are some few things you can do to make a difference with your investment
🎯 Create a strategy based on your goals : It sounds simple ….. Right ? , then again it’s not that simple …. Your style must be clearly defined . Because of this reason .
You must have laser focused clarity on these questions :
👉 WHO : Are you a Trader , an Investor or a mix of both ?
If Trader , are you a day trader or swing trader ?
If Investor , are you a short-term or long term depending on your what answer
👉WHAT: What is my financial objective for this Investment for example : buy a house , take a vacation , for retirement etc ? What would be my Exit point from each position ? ( maybe 10x , 15x, 200x )
👉WHICH : Which projects solve fundamental problems -i.e current use case and growing , feed an ecosystem , parallel players , etc
👉HOW : With clarity from the previous question , how do I leverage the platform and opportunities within the ecosystem to meet my goal
🎯 Tracking becomes easier , your time commitment is defined , you can avoid get rich schemes and limit your exposure to multiple platforms at same time .
CLARITY reduces confusion …. I’m big on Passive Income and not a technical guru yet I make decent gains without day trading .
Follow me to learn more about passive income opportunities and many more goodies ….$SOL $BNB
Merry Christmas ! Thanks Solana for the big move ….