You know that if you had saved 50 thousand pounds ⛰️ in 2017, you would have had it in 2024
You have more than 5 million pounds 🌄, meaning 100 x profit
And I am not coming to tell you something we all know
That his currency 🎀 $BTC 🎀 is the leader of currencies, but if you learn
You know his history and go back with him to the time from the beginning
In 2009, the anonymous Satoshi Nakamoto 🌪️
created Bitcoin and to clarify, a "white paper" was published in 2008 explaining the idea of the new digital currency and how it works. From here, the topic began. Bitcoin relies on a technology called "blockchain", which is a public and transparent record of all transactions. Not only that, this is also the first digital currency. Bitcoin was the first decentralized digital currency, meaning that it is not subject to the control of any government or financial institution.
All I want to get across to you is that I want you to learn to analyze
The currency and its future, it will not make a profit this week.
Maybe after 7 years we will be talking about a currency.
History has returned from the beginning and anew 👍🗽👍