Seeking a knowledgeable person to explain the calculation of funding rates
I still don’t understand how to calculate the funding rate, seeking someone knowledgeable to explain
I checked online, and some say the funding rate varies with leverage. My rough understanding is that for example, opening a position of 1 lot of Bitcoin, if the margin used is 100 USD and the leverage is 100 times, the funding rate is 0.01%, then the funding rate is 100 times the margin of 100 * leverage of 100 * 0.01%, so the funding rate is 100, which means 3 times a day?
So, with 20 times leverage and 100 times leverage, opening 1 lot of Bitcoin, is the funding rate cheaper with less leverage? I searched on YouTube, and not many content creators explained it clearly; most are just promoting opening contracts with referral codes. Now I really don’t understand how this funding rate deduction is calculated each time.