Coin World News: StakeStone Berachain Vault opens BTC deposits, users can deposit WBTC/cbBTC/SBTC to receive their vault LP certificate beraSBTC and thus earn rewards. Additionally, they can use beraSBTC/beraSTONE for trading, lending, and leveraging to unlock more DeFi application opportunities and yields. Furthermore, the first 2000 early bird users who deposit more than 0.0015 SBTC/cbBTC will each receive a reward of 150 future STO tokens, totaling 300,000 tokens. Users participating in this StakeStone Berachain Vault will also receive the following liquidity rewards: a maximum total supply of 1.5% of future STO governance tokens, BERA token rewards given by Berachain pre-mining, PoL mining rewards after the Berachain mainnet launch, as well as rewards from Berachain ecosystem projects including but not limited to Kodiak and Dolomite token rewards.