Tiger Research, a renowned Asian Web3 research and consulting firm, emphasizes in its recent report, "To Buy or Not to Buy, That is the Question: Corporate Bitcoin Investment Strategies," that Bitcoin's decentralized and inflation-resistant characteristics have made it a valuable tool for institutions seeking to mitigate economic uncertainties and safeguard long-term value. The report states that "Institutional bitcoin purchases demonstrate confidence in innovation and growth, while sales reflect a variety of corporate strategies such as profit-taking or cash flow management." Tiger Research's report delves into the growing institutional adoption of Bitcoin, shedding light on its significance as an investment asset and the trading patterns of major corporations. The findings highlight the increasing recognition of Bitcoin's potential as a hedge against inflation, a concern that has become increasingly prevalent in today's economic climate. Tiger Research's analysis provides valuable insights into the evolving investment landscape, where digital assets like Bitcoin are gaining traction as sophisticated investment tools. ```