The midnight big pie quickly rebounded after testing the support at 97500, reaching a peak of around 98900 in the early morning, once again showing a stretch of over a thousand points. In our midnight strategy, we provided the range for the market in advance, and as expected, it did not break out of this range. However, the overall long trend remains strong. We also captured significant gains from the big pie with 1138 points and 37 points from Yi Tai.

From the current market perspective, the big pie is still maintaining a range-bound trend, but the volatility is noticeably more intense. A sharp drop in the morning crossed a thousand points, and as we enter the workweek, market activity is gradually picking up. The six consecutive bullish closing days on the daily chart highlight the strong momentum. It was also mentioned that the consolidation over the weekend was preparing for the upcoming moves, so our strategy in the morning remains unchanged: continue to buy in low positions.

Big Pie: 97800~98200, target up to 100000.

Yi Tai: 3580~3610, target up to 3750. #加密市场反弹 #比特币走势观察 #币安全球用户突破2.5亿 #BTC #ETH $BTC $ETH