Low value coins tend to give good returns.
But be careful, just because a coin is low value doesn't mean it will go up and so on.
Before buying any coin, check its fundamentals, for example, what are its projects, purposes, whether it has good fundamentals, etc.
And if it serves to improve things in the lives of people who have no future!
Check its marktcap = its market value, destruction value. If there are a lot of tokens and if there are absurd promises of reaching a certain value, I've always been suspicious.
If you buy a coin and you feel that it's not doing well, it's uncomfortable. Exchange or sell it and buy another one. There are many coins in circulation, just analyze it correctly and buy good coins.
Always try to buy coins in the red. That way, when they go up, you'll already be in profit and already have a positive balance.
Always invest wisely. Remember, the market does not accept mistakes and you can lose all your savings. The market is not a game of chance. The market is firm, of course, you are the one who can make a mistake and end up in trouble.
Good luck always.