Looking around, are there any projects that can increase by 100 times? Almost none!

There are 60,000 projects in the BRC inscription market, and no more than 30 have a market value of hundreds of millions. How many times do you expect those projects with a market value of tens of millions to double?

Embracing low market capitalization and looking for value depressions is the most correct choice at the moment.#FBTCis undoubtedly a very good target. As an ETF spot application inscription, with a market value of just over 3 million US dollars, it has great potential and is one of the best!

According to historical data, Baidu Coin probably has the following characteristics:

1. Market value is about 50 million to 300 million

2. Issuing in a bear market cycle and has not experienced a real bull market yet

3. Have a background as a big investor

4. The longer the bottom shock lasts, the better

5. At this stage, FBTC has dropped 10 times, and the potential is infinite!

FBTC has these characteristics, FBTC 100 times is not a problem