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$SHIB Currency Recommendations

Current price:

Price: 0.00002419 USDT

Change in 24 hours: -0.53%

Highest price in 24 hours: 0.00002476 USDT

Lowest price in 24 hours: 0.00002388 USDT

Trading Volume (SHIB): 2.23 Trillion

Trading Volume (USDT): 54.22 Million


Technical indicators 📈

Moving Averages (MA):

AND (7): 0.00002421

AND (25): 0.00002433

AND (99): 0.00002299


The current price is very close to MA(7), indicating short-term price stability.

MA(25) is slightly above the current price, reflecting a possible resistance at 0.00002433.

MA(99) is well below the current price, indicating a long-term bullish trend.


Momentum indicators:

RSI(6): 47.37 (Neutral)

Stochastic (K): 41.82

Stochastic (D): 42.75

Wm %R (14): -60.25 (oversold area)

STOCH RSI: 25.64 (Potential oversold signal)


RSI indicates neutral momentum (between 30 and 70), meaning there is no strong buying or selling pressure.

STOCH RSI is low which indicates that the price may be in an oversold zone, which may enhance the chances of an upward bounce.

Wm %R shows that the price is in an oversold zone, which increases the chances of buying in case of other reversal signals.


Size and cash flow $SHIB :

Current trading volume: 43,247,317,141

MA (5): 80,404,802,765

MA (10): 72,260,832,012


Current trading volume is below the 5 and 10 period averages, indicating temporary low interest or poor liquidity.


Trend indicators:

MACD: -0.00000005 (weak negative signal)

DIF: 0.00000002

DEA: 0.00000008


MACD is showing slight negativity, which means the market may see some minor pullback, but it is not strong enough to indicate a major reversal.


Support and resistance points 📌

First support: 0.00002388 (24h low)

2nd support: 0.00002299 (MA 99)

First resistance: 0.00002476 (24-hour high)

2nd resistance: 0.00002493 (previous high)


Trend Analysis 🧐

Short-term trend: Consolidation with a slight downside potential.

Long-term trend: Up as long as the price is above 0.00002299.


Proposed strategy 🎯

Entry: If the price approaches 0.00002390 with reversal signals from RSI or Stochastic RSI.

Take Profit: at 0.00002470 - 0.00002490.

Stop Loss: at 0.00002380.


Additional tips 💡 $SHIB

The market is in a breakout phase after a slight rise, which may provide an opportunity to buy on corrections.

Be sure to monitor the trading volume, as a sudden spike may indicate that buyers are returning.