$DOGE I like the market, it is alive. Quotes are in condition, each position is reasonable. Popular cryptocurrencies are in their usual state and are at their best price ratio. A black cloud hangs over DOGE. Let's analyze it in detail and clearly. Charts take bizarre forms. The shape of DOGE carried soup and overturned it with the aim of feeding the dogs. The result from 0.38 straight to 0.39. Not yet 0.44, but already news from leading traders and experts that soon we will see a very tasty price. Some are spinning the topic like a reel, that the price will be $11)) I tend to think it's a typo!

Chart $DOGE - the outstretched hand of a beggar dog. If we say it normally, it is called - pronation. But we need supination to sprinkle coins.

A fairy tale with a broken DOGE trough. Once upon a time, there was a DOGE too, my bed. It arranged a spree for traders at court with the price and an emotional surge akin to a circus or burlesque. The capricious coin sought loopholes to be valued by all kinds of pennies. DOGE got so caught up in intrigue that it lost itself in its own stories and strayed from reality, yet clients are still coming despite the increased risk and danger of parting with hard-earned wealth.A rumor has spread that from there to here, a rider with a candle rides on an insanely mad hound, but it lights not the path ahead but the path behind. He has confused time and cardinal directions - he puts on a dress in the form of armor and crashes into the wall with breaks. Just some tournament taking one wall after another and it's all for nothing, a sword sticking out of the sheath cannot break through the wall. DOGE, switching to sport mode, finds itself in the jungles of Crypto, miscalculating its strength, fights for supremacy in the Arena, but has never known how to lead, does not know how, and will not know how.The loser will be asked about DOGE, and the rider will say it's no news, they say, - A news piece on the fence says that the whales bought up the sea of DOGE. And everything became a bit clearer in the price range of popular coins. So that's what the air cushion feels like, DOGE has no weight, but as long as the whale's life raft keeps it on the surface, one can send pseudo barks to the moon. We are waiting for when it begins to swim towards the buoys in a dog-like manner. Back, DOGE will swim already in a breaststroke at the same throwaway prices. Closer to the pier, it will switch to butterfly and drops from the sea hitting the face will force it to use the style of a rabbit.On the shore$DOGE it will emerge from the foam of its own mouth like 33 heroes for 0.33 analogs of the dollar. Everyone will buy it back in different ways, and the chart will show overbought conditions. The price will drop completely, showing an availability that no shelf has ever seen before. Consider it a gift, the expired shameless and the most accessible DOGE will scatter across wallets as it was there. And the trader is rich, and the whale is in business, thus they lived their lives collecting portfolios of valuable coins.