The primary principle of investing is to avoid risks. If you cannot avoid risks, no matter how much money you make, one day you will lose it all. Every successful person has their methods, and investment trading must have its principles. Accumulating small amounts leads to large amounts, yet many people forget their original intentions, focusing on immediate profits while neglecting risks. Many do not realize that individuals in this market are very vulnerable and insignificant. If you do not understand how to avoid risks, it is like a small boat sailing in the ocean, which can be capsized by winds and waves at any time.

Three essential factors for trading: 1. Maintain a good mindset. Trading requires calmness and patience at all times. Do not be lured by market trends, and do not be angered by market fluctuations. Patiently wait for your point.

2. In trading, there are no markets that only rise without falling, nor are there markets that only fall without rising. Do not chase highs and cut losses. Consider that currently, both media and prominent influencers are generally mindlessly chasing after big gains. The market is also in high spirits, and everyone holds onto their shares, looking at 100,000. If the market reaches 100,000, the voices calling for 200,000 will gradually emerge. Then, who would be willing to sell their bullish shares? The result is that there are only purchases and no sales, which is what institutional investors and capital manipulators are very reluctant to see, so deep corrections are inevitable.

3. If you want to continue in this market for the long term, you must have a complete trading system, including position techniques, risk control, and technical systems. This way, you can receive clear guidance in volatile markets. Even if the profits are small, it is easy and very fulfilling; in a trending market, it allows you to have a sense of direction. If you are right, strive for maximum profit; if you are wrong, control the risks well.

Investing is a long-term process with joys, sorrows, and sometimes pain, but that is investing. It is not just about making money; it is more important to cultivate the awareness of making money and the methods of utilizing funds.