Sui, today you are the brightest one again.
There's really no way around it. A few days ago, I told you to get on at 4.0 and 3.6. Some got on, some didn't. Today, you're asking again, I want to get on Sui, it's gone up so high, should I chase after it?
I've already said, look at the volume; the big player pulled it from 1.0 to 4.0 without selling a single unit. It's been a continuous accumulation and rise. There hasn't been a single week with a large amount of selling. In this bull market, they want to pull it to 10-15 dollars. They're encouraging everyone to get on board; don't easily get off at the low prices.
Alright, you want to get on now, the price can only go higher. Set your orders in batches at 4.5, 4.2, and 4.0. If you get filled, hold on to it. There hasn't been a one-sided rise yet, we still haven't seen a month of continuous growth, but it's coming soon. If there's a pullback, remember to get on. Opportunities aren't given at every stage, got it? $SUI