The future prediction of Bio Protocol's price is subject to market risk and volatility. However, based on current trends and forecasts, here are some potential price targets for Bio Protocol:

- *Short-term prediction*: By the end of January 2025, Bio Protocol's price is expected to reach $1.321595, representing a 5% increase from its current price ¹.

- *Medium-term prediction*: By February 2025, the price of Bio Protocol may reach $0.824125, indicating a steady growth trend ¹.

- *Long-term prediction*: Looking ahead to 2030, Bio Protocol's price is predicted to increase by +5% and reach $2.047606 ¹.

Keep in mind that these predictions are based on user input and should not be taken as investment advice. Cryptocurrency prices can fluctuate rapidly, and it's essential to do your own research and consider multiple sources before making investment decisions.