
# **Bitcoin Becomes the Most Resilient Instrument in Facing Geopolitical Problems**

Bitcoin is an asset that is resilient to geopolitical problems and world crises, and can still provide profits to its investors. This is proven by the profits provided by Bitcoin reaching more than 10%.

This achievement is thanks to Bitcoin's performance which often outperforms other instruments such as gold and the S&P 500 in the long term, thus strengthening its potential to generate large profits for investors.

During the 2020 US Election, Bitcoin was able to generate profits of up to 131% compared to the S&P 500 which was only 12%. At the same time, the traditional gold instrument was actually minus 1%.

On the other hand, during the Covid-19 pandemic in 2020, Bitcoin actually generated a profit of 21% within 60 days. This profit even exceeded the traditional assets of gold and the S&P 500 by more than 10 times.

The latest phenomenon that occurred in 2023, the US experienced a banking crisis that made the world economy chaotic. However, Bitcoin actually gained up to 32% in 60 days, even in 10 days it reached 25%.

Thus, if the total profit given by Bitcoin in geopolitical events and global crises in a span of 60 days, the asset has given a huge profit.