According to news from CoinWorld, recently the Major of Telegram team has been continuously optimizing the features of its NFT number leasing platform to provide users with more convenient and diverse leasing options. Since the platform went live two weeks ago, over 888 NFT numbers have been leased through $MAJOR. Recent updates released by the team include: - Optimized design for the market page: Users can clearly view detailed information about the desired number on the market page, including leasing duration, total cost, and expiration date. - New leasing sorting options: Providing leasing users with the ability to filter based on short-term or long-term leasing preferences, enhancing market operational efficiency. - Addition of a one-month leasing term: Offering users more flexible choices. Additionally, the team has awarded rare achievements to the top 100 Major users, which can be viewed through their profiles. At the same time, to promote the value of NFT achievements, the Major team plans to launch a feature to upgrade achievements to NFTs in early 2025 and develop a matching staking system. Users will be able to earn higher yields by staking rare achievements, significantly enhancing token capital. It is worth noting that users' NFT numbers can not only earn staking returns of up to 2.5% annualized yield but can also earn up to 26% annualized yield after successful leasing. The current average selling price of NFT numbers on the platform is approximately $1400. The official stated that in 2025, the Major team will continue to release more exciting updates, so stay tuned.