Telegram, the giant instant messaging software, released its first application update of the year on January 1, adding a variety of new features such as converting gifts into NFTs, responding to service messages, and message search filters. (Previous summary: Durov announced Telegram’s 2024 milestone: achieving profitability for the first time, with more than 12 million subscribers and cash reserves of US$500 million...) (Background supplement: Telegram’s revenue in the first half of the year exceeded US$500 million, a year-on-year increase of 190%, TON Value growth, subscriptions are the key) The instant messaging software giant Telegram released its first application update this year on January 1, adding a variety of new functions such as converting gifts into NFTs, responding to service messages, and message search filters. This article will provide readers with a comprehensive summary. Minting gifts as NFTs Telegram first said that after this update, users can upgrade the gifts they receive on Telegram into collectibles, and these collectibles have special properties that allow users to transfer them to others, or directly on the NFT market auction. Telegram added that when users upgrade their gifts to collectibles, they will be able to unlock dozens of new looks made by Telegram artists. Along with these collectibles, there is a set of random features, including background color and image display: This means that each collectible gift is a unique work of art, and some gifts are rarer than others. More than 20 existing gifts such as cakes, jelly, and bunnies can already be upgraded to collectibles, totaling more than 1,400 unique appearances, with more to come. Upgrading a gift costs a small amount of Telegram Stars to cover associated blockchain fees. Responding to service messages Another update is that when users receive a gift, join a group, or start a video chat, users can now respond to a special service message that appears in the conversation. For example, double-click to say thank you or welcome. The third update to the message search filter is that additional message filters have been added to the search box in chat, which means that users can now quickly search for any chat message based on the tags they set: Click the tag in the search box View recent downloads and shares, as well as discover popular channels and mini-apps. Third-Party Verification Telegram now also allows verification by public figures and organizations to help users identify official sources of information: To further increase Telegram’s transparency, official third-party services can now assign additional verification icons to user accounts and chats. This will help prevent fraud and filter out misinformation, and when users click on the third-party verification logo, they can see its status and details. Custom emojis in folder names At the same time, this update also brings users the ability to set custom emojis in folder names: This allows power users to make their folders more expressive power, or become more minimalist with emojis. QR code scanning Finally, the in-app camera for Android and iOS will now also recognize QR codes by default, along with the ability to open links in the user's preferred browser on their device without having to switch apps: To quickly open the in-app camera, just Swipe the screen to the right on the main interface, and Android users need to click on the camera icon in the lower right corner. Note: The above pictures are all from the Telegram blog. If you want to see the dynamic demonstration, please go to the Telegram official website. Related reports Telegram’s major update "Mini Apps 2.0": supports full screen, motion tracking, adds desktop shortcuts... many new features and comprehensive indicators on the chain Falling, who killed the vitality of Telegram’s mini-game? Bitget Wallet Lite quickly exceeded 3 million users! Becoming the fastest growing Telegram multi-chain wallet "Telegram 2025 first wave of updates: gifts minted into NFT, service message response, search filtering, third-party verification..." This article was first published on Dong District BlockTempo (Dong District Dong Trend-The Most Influential Powerful blockchain news media).