According to ChainCatcher, Bitget Wallet has launched a reward program for BGB holders. Users holding 1 BGB or more can participate in sharing a total of up to $1 million in airdrop prize pools and unlock exclusive benefits of high-quality cooperative projects every week. The first week of the event will be from January 2 to January 9, 2025. Users only need to hold 1 BGB to share a $100,000 prize pool and have the opportunity to receive token airdrops from the XION and MomoAI projects. It is reported that more activities will be launched in succession to create more value for BGB holders.

The number of Bitget Wallet users has exceeded 60 million, with an annual growth of 300%, ranking first in the world's fastest growing multi-chain wallet. After the merger of BWB and BGB, BGB will serve as an ecological unified token, expanding to application scenarios such as payment, on-chain transactions and DeFi mortgages, and increasing its value through a quarterly repurchase and destruction mechanism.