Today it has increased. This was posted last night. Today I looked at the data. The staked TVL is increasing. It has already reached 1.7 billion. Additionally, 31% of the usual is staked on-chain.
Finally, to add this. Actually, I was one of the earliest to stake. I calculated it to be a little over one point per day.. But I know there are a lot of people in the square shouting bearish. Cursing that staking is useless. I just played by myself. Too lazy to post. After all, for usual staking, I think at least half a month is needed to make it worthwhile.. Can't hold on. Short-term. And for those with poor psychological endurance, I do not recommend staking.. Looking forward to what's ahead. Staking can be done..
Finally, let me say this.. I do not shout bullish or bearish. I only analyze. Next year is the opportunity for the RWA concept. It is also an opportunity for AI. The AI on-chain is crazy..