Analysis of DeXe prices for today, January 2, 2025.
The current price of DeXe ($DEXE ) is $19.07, which has increased by +27.51% in the last 24 hours. Currently, DEXE is available on 18 exchanges, and in the last 24 hours, 1,412,750 DEXE coins have been exchanged, amounting to $26,934,847 in trading volume.$AERGO $HIVE
Today, DeXe (DEXE) opened at $14.97. This is 27.32% higher than the opening price. After falling to $14.90, it is attempting to rise above. DEXE has more than a 102.78% increase compared to last month's price. From the maximum price in the last 30 and 7 days, it has increased by 20.40%, and from the lowest recorded price over the same period, it has increased by 157.16% and 71.67%.
According to our analysis, DEXE needs to stay above $18.03 to potentially move towards the first significant resistance level at $19.15. A breakout above $19.15 could lead to an increase in DEXE to the next resistance level at $21.11. The third resistance is at $22.94.
If the price drops, the first support level to watch is $18.03. If this level does not hold, further decline may occur to the next support level at $16.83#BtcNewHolder .