Onboard Loved Ones to Tezos, One Tez at a Time

With the holidays in full force, you might have already given out gifts to your loved ones, but if you are anything like me, you are probably always looking for ways to introduce your friends and family to the world of blockchain and Web3, and more specifically Tezos.

With that in mind, I thought these holidays would be a great opportunity to gift them with a few tez and onboard them in the magical world of Tezos. So in this article, I will go over the easiest way to get someone his first Tezos wallet and teach him how to interact with blockchain. But first, let’s see “why tez”.

Why Gift Tez?

With the crypto market on the rise in recent weeks, cryptocurrencies and blockchain are once again catching the public’s attention. There’s no better time to introduce your loved ones to this fascinating world, and Tezos stands out as the perfect blockchain for the job. It’s designed to be accessible, user-friendly, and welcoming to newcomers.

Tezos makes getting started simple, with low transaction fees, an intuitive user experience, and tools that even beginners can navigate with ease. From setting up a wallet to exploring apps, every step is designed to remove as much complexity as possible and make blockchain approachable to everyone. Plus, the Tezos community is known for being helpful and supportive, making sure new users feel right at home.

With that out of the way, let’s get right into it!

Kukai: Everyone’s “Should-Be” First Crypto Wallet

The first thing that someone would need to start, is a Tezos wallet where we can send them their first tez, and when it comes to that, I think there is no better option than Kukai wallet and more specifically its “Social Login” feature.

This feature is so good, that you don’t even need to ask for their wallet address, you can just ask them for their Gmail, Twitter handle, Facebook, Reddit or any email, and you can send them tez using one of those. (They don’t even have to open a wallet first!)

You just open your Kukai wallet, select to send tez to an email (or one of the the other socials), and Kukai automatically derives their address. Then, all they have to do is go to https://wallet.kukai.app/ and choose to log in with the credentials of the social they gave you (i.e. their email) and the tez will be there waiting for them.

Learn and Play with Mooncakes

Ok now that they have their first ever crypto wallet, what’s next? How do we teach them all about connecting our wallet to a platform, signing transactions, trading NFTs and so much more without overwhelming them? Enter Mooncakes!

Mooncakes is one of the best tools for onboarding newcomers to Tezos and Web3. Instead of overwhelming friends and family with blockchain jargon, Mooncakes makes learning fun and hands-on. With interactive quests, users can create wallets, sign transactions, trade NFTs, and explore Tezos platforms, all while gaining experience with real blockchain applications.

I know you want to go full force and share all the exciting things you have learned about blockchain, but trust me, this way is much more methodical and less likely to make them quit due to information overload!

And just like that, you’ve gifted someone their first step into the fascinating world of blockchain. By starting with tez, Kukai’s super simple social login, and the fun learning experience of Mooncakes, you’ve set them up for success without overwhelming them.

So this New Year, why not swap the usual socks or gift cards for something they’ll actually remember? A gift that’s not just cool but opens the door to a whole new world of possibilities. Who knows? Maybe next year, they’ll be the ones teaching you a thing or two about Tezos.

Happy New Year, and happy gifting! 🎉

The Perfect New Year Gift: A Guide to Gifting Tez and Onboarding Loved Ones to Tezos was originally published in Tezos Commons on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.