$USUAL Pledged USD0, the dealer goes to buy government bonds, government bonds have an annual interest rate of 5% exchanged for usual white条interest, the dealer uses empty hands to collect 10% interest from government bond interest, then the large account white条interest usual pledges for a year at 350% interest. If you do not pledge, your interest will be taken by those who do pledge. In the end, the price of usual keeps getting lower, and when usual is low, those small orders who do not pledge do not want to buy. The remaining large pledgers, after 4 years, 4 billion white条interest will greatly depreciate. Once it depreciates, the large accounts will want to escape, and a stampede will occur. At this time, adding a few zeros is possible. Now, those who are pledging have started to decline, and at this time, whoever pulls the market up will die. If not, this week will double flow into USD0 and yield will come up, otherwise it will still fall.