The large pancake is currently oscillating around the low point of 91930 to the high point of 93024 within a range of 1100 points, currently around 92500.
Midnight real pancake has changed its approach, stabilizing at the low point and steadily taking profits, taking a small bite from the doge's body, earning 1500 from Bitcoin and 6000 from oil. Earning 51 from Ethereum and 6000 from oil.
For Bitcoin at noon: Pull back to around 92100-91600.
Looking towards around 93100-93800.
For Ethereum at noon: Pull back to around 3320-3300.
Looking towards around 3370-3400.
#GMT热度飙升 #加密ETF申请热潮涌现 #2025比特币价格预测 #MicroStrategy增持BTC #币安LaunchpoolBIO预测