I’m currently testing my own developed AI driven Software to make trades for you ..
Its still in development stage and cannot be released for public.
This is all you need to know about it .
⭐️This software runs on windows pc’s only ( at the moment )
⭐️ This software not linking with your binance
All trades are manual . Therefore no violations on binance TOS .
⭐️ Software constantly check 15m charts on specific token and it’ll send you desktop notifications when to enter .
It also updates TP/SL so you can mange your risk levels .
( I developed this software to help small traders to make some profit without spending hours to analyze charts )
I’m not promoting that software on binance but on my github . I will not posting any links to this software..
When i’m done developing this software i’ll only post my username to my github so you can download it by searching it ..
Development will be done in next year
I’m not planning to put any price to this software atm .
( picture shows the ROI by using trading Ai software)