News reports indicate that the video game based on Telegram, Hamster Kombat, is developing into a Layer-2 solution, which could be the boost that Toncoin (TON) needs. Analysts predict that the price of TON could reach 10 USD, while the current price is 5.81 USD, up 1.85% in the last 24 hours. Hamster Kombat has decided to implement the L2 solution on the TON blockchain after the DAO of this project unanimously agreed. The project claims it will serve the largest community in the web3 space and marks a significant strategic shift. Although TON has declined sharply in recent weeks, with a current market capitalization of 14.82 billion USD, the launch of L2 could help restore acceptance in the cryptocurrency ecosystem of Toncoin and Telegram. Other tokens in the TON ecosystem are also recording positive signals ahead of the L2 update.