Today I was asked what my TOP 100 of #altcoins is

I haven't reached 100 yet, but I already have 60.

Of which I have a larger contribution in $XRP $SOL $ADA , these are my TOP 3 in my portfolio.

Strategically, I have 30% of my portfolio in $BNB because of the #launchpoll and thus have access to the launches of new tokens.

After the #BIO launch craze, I intend to make my moves and use the profits to buy the others that are missing and redistribute the contributions in the most promising ones.

I will end January with a hyperdiversified portfolio, a strategy that I explain in my previous posts.

After that, I'll only use the app again to monitor but not to trade, and that's how it will be until December of next year.

Let it burn! The crypto market is for crazy people! If you want security, invest in fixed income.

In the screenshots, you can see some of my choices.
