【Google CEO: High Stakes and Risks in 2025, Promoting Gemini is the Top Priority】According to Golden Finance, Google (GOOG.O) CEO Sundar Pichai told employees last week that 2025 is “high stakes and risks” as the company faces increasing competition, regulatory hurdles, and rapid advancements in artificial intelligence. Pichai stated that “building a large new business” is a top priority, which includes the Gemini application. Executives believe that Gemini will be Google’s next application to reach 500 million users. The company currently has 15 applications that have achieved this milestone. Pichai said, “Gemini application is gaining strong momentum, especially in the past few months. But we still need to do some work in 2025 to close the gap and establish a leading position in this area.” He later added, “Next year, promoting Gemini to consumers will be our top priority.” Additionally, Pichai presented a large language model chart showing Gemini 1.5 leading over OpenAI's GPT and other competitors. Pichai said, “I expect there will be some back-and-forth in 2025. I think we will reach the cutting edge.” He remarked, “Historically, you don't always need to be first, but you have to execute well and be the best among your peers. I think that’s what 2025 is about.” (Golden Ten)