12.28 Analysis

Currently, the large pie is oscillating in the range of 93000 to 98000. From last night to today, ETF-related factors and bullish forces have been continuously exerting pressure to maintain prices and avoid downward movement. It is highly likely that a new price trend will be explored within this range.

BNB has shown strong performance, with the range of 670 to 720 becoming its safe zone. Due to the airdrop mechanism causing a large number of tokens to be locked, market selling pressure has eased, and the number of firm holders has increased. In this range, it is suitable to adopt a more conservative grid trading strategy to gradually gain profits.

ETH is expected to fluctuate in the range of 3200 - 3700. Recently, there has been a continuous flow of positive news, and many institutions participating in ETFs are continuously buying, providing a relatively solid support foundation for its price. In the short term, it is expected to maintain oscillation adjustments within this price range.

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