1. Persist in reviewing every day, go through all the currencies in your selection, and familiarize yourself with the candlestick charts to follow the rhythm of the main funds.

2. If your investment capital is not large, for example, below 500,000, then catching a major uptrend once a year is enough; never keep all your funds in trading at all times.

3. When encountering significant positive news, if you don't sell on the same day, consider selling if it opens high the next day; realizing gains often comes with risks. The same applies to trading.

4. When facing major holidays, prepare for position adjustments in advance; based on personal circumstances, determine whether to hold assets during the holiday or take other actions.

5. Short-term trading mainly looks at trading volume and charts; only conduct trades in active and highly volatile charts, and it's best to avoid inactive situations.

6. The medium to long-term strategy is to keep enough cash on hand, sell at highs, buy back when prices drop, and rolling operations are the best strategy. This can also be applied in trading.

7. Stick to good currencies, but make sure to sell at high points; do not get attached to excessively high prices.

8. A slowing downtrend will have a slow rebound; if the downtrend accelerates, the rebound will be quick. This also applies in the trading market.

9. Compare the charts of the overall market and various currencies in detail; the trends of currencies with main funds will not be the same as the overall market. Currencies that follow the overall market trend often lack main funds.

10. Currencies that have been in a long-term bottom and suddenly show a gap upward with increased volume might be an opportunity.

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