How will following Grayscale's investments perform over the year?

🔹The highest value in Grayscale's holdings is ETH, accounting for 2.2% of circulation, with the largest increase this year being 82%.

🔹The largest proportion in Grayscale's holdings is ETC, accounting for 7.5% of circulation, with the largest increase this year being 115%.

🔹In Grayscale's holdings,

This year, there is one coin with an increase below 100% (ETH),

Five coins with an increase between 100-200% (ETC, LTC, SOL, FIL, BAT),

Three coins with an increase between 200-300% (BCH, LINK, MANA),

And four coins with an increase over 300% (XLM (716%), ZEN (648%), ZEC (380%), LPT (338%)).

Bitcoin's largest increase this year is 175%. ETH and ETC did not outperform BTC, while LTC, SOL, FIL, and BAT have returns roughly on par with BTC. The risk of altcoins is higher than Bitcoin, so significantly leading returns over Bitcoin indicate good performance. Thus, the only quality altcoins that have truly outperformed are the four with increases over 300%.

Which ones are likely to continue outperforming Bitcoin in the future?

The ones I am more optimistic about are ZEN and LPT, with XLM linked to XRP also having potential. SOL, which rose significantly from last year's bottom, has returns on par with Bitcoin this year, but has a good fundamental outlook. I am personally very optimistic about altcoin season next year. #BTC #ZEN