TON Features TON was created by the Telegram team in 2018, but after regulatory difficulties, Telegram left the project in 2020. Since then, development has continued by an independent developer community called the $TON Foundation.
Key features of TON include:
- Scalability: TON uses a blockchain division mechanism (sharding), which allows it to process a large number of transactions.
- Proof-of-Stake consensus: validators stake their tokens on a consensus, which ensures security and decentralization.
- Smart contracts and decentralized applications (dApps): TON supports the development of smart contracts and decentralized applications.
- Telegram integration: TON is integrated with the Telegram messenger, allowing users to easily use cryptocurrency features.
The prospects for TON look promising. According to forecasts, TON can grow to $25.42 by 2030. This is due to the growth of popularity, the expansion of the application ecosystem and investments from venture funds.
TON has the potential to become one of the largest blockchain platforms, providing scalability, security and user convenience.