Node testnet airdrop event! 🪂

Node runner rewards confirmed!

#Cyberfly Testnet Guide 👇

#空投节点 #测试网

Visit to link wallet

1/ Purchase VPS (if you already have one, you can skip this step)

⭕✨ Go to:

➖ Choose the '$4.15' plan

➖ Choose '1 month' duration

➖ Select region

➖ Choose storage type and operating system

➖ Enter password and click 'Next'.

2/ Register and pay on Contabo.

➖ Select 'I am a new user of Contabo'

➖ Enter your email and register.

➖ Enter card details and click 'Next'.

👉 You can get your VPS IP address in the 'Control Panel' section.

3/ Get Web3 credit card

⭕✨ Visit:

➖ Enter name

➖ Enter email

➖ Verify email


➖ Claim your Web3 credit card

👉 Use case

➢ You can use this card to purchase VPS on Contabo 🫡

👉 Has a minimum deposit limit.

4/ Use Termius to access VPS

⭕✨ Visit:

➖ Download and install Termius.

➖ Register an account using your email.

➖ Enter the IP address of your VPS.

➖ Username = root

➖ Enter the password for your VPS.

➖ Click connect.

5/ Install Git

➖ Use the command `apt install git -y` to install Git.

6/ Install Cyberfly node

➖ Use the command `git clone` to clone the Cyberfly node repository to your local environment.

7/ Open Cyberfly directory

➖ Use the command `cd cyberfly-node-docker` to enter the directory

➖ Use the command `git pull` to pull the latest code updates from the specified link

8/ Start node

➖ Use the command `sudo chmod +x` to give `` script executable permission.

9/ Get private key and address

⭕✨ Go to:

➖ Click the menu

➖ Click 'Generate Key Pair'

➖ Download all files

👉 Open the second file.

➖ The first line is your address

➖ The second line is your private key

10/ Install Screen and open session

➖ Use the command `apt install screen` to install the Screen tool.

➖ Create a new session named 'cyberfly' with the command `screen -S cyberfly`.

11/ Start node

➖ sudo ./ k:your Kadena wallet address node private key

👉 Replace 'your Kadena wallet address & node private key' with the private key and address obtained from the above site.

12/ Install Kadena wallet

⭕✨ Visit:

➖ Click 'Add to Chrome'

➖ Create a wallet and save the recovery phrase

➖ Connect to the testnet

13/ Claim faucet tokens

⭕✨ Visit: http://your IP address:31000

➖ Replace 'your IP address' with your VPS IP address

➖ Connect wallet

➖ Go to 'Testnet Faucet'

➖ Click 'Claim 50000 CFLY'

👉 Wait 5 minutes to claim faucet tokens

14/ Stake CFLY

➖ Go to 'My Nodes'

➖ Click the eye icon

➖ Enter the amount of CFLY you wish to stake

➖ Click 'Stake' and approve in your wallet.