5 Premium Tasks Focused on by the Prophet on 12.26, Let's Go!

1️⃣ Berachain and


have opened deposits, double the benefits with two airdrops


2️⃣ 3-Minute Quick Guide for Binance Web3 Wallet x dappOS Activity Interaction


3️⃣ $5 Million Funded Glue Galaxy Task Series and Answers Tutorial, Earn Points

🌟Level 1: Glue Novice https://app.galxe.com/quest/glue/GCYjjtVg9f?referral_code=GRFr2JakrWm31mCqptdCoeD3jTRsHlFKdC5kAShXeD4j1ur

Answer: BAC

🌟Level 2: Glue Learner https://app.galxe.com/quest/glue/GCeJitVMUS?referral_code=GRFr2Jmsram33Pun5tdCoeD3tX_pPRo22RQCkYwxJu67M54

🌟Level 3: Glue Apprentice https://app.galxe.com/quest/glue/GC5nitVGXP?referral_code=GRFr2I2lram33njnJtdCoeD3gVG5tIF8GqEnYwvwaN5LGEh

Answer: CACB

4️⃣ Vanaride Submit EVM Address and Email to Join the Waiting List


5️⃣ Free Airdrop: Claim Volcano 🌋


NFT (Day 4)
