Une chaîne de blocs lumineuse parcourant l’image. Un robot humanoïde stylisé, tendant la main vers un coffre numérique ouvert. Le coffre illuminé, révélant un jeton Bitcoin brillant entouré de circuits qui symbolisent la DeFi.

Global economic uncertainties are forcing institutions to thoroughly review their investment strategies. In this context, decentralized finance (DeFi) is emerging as a credible and visionary alternative to reinvent traditional financial models. In recent years, major advances have transformed DeFi into a sophisticated ecosystem, well beyond the first technological experiments. Thus, the development of bitcoin staking, the tokenization of real assets and the integration of autonomous artificial intelligences herald a new era for this booming sector.

The article Bitcoin, tokenization, AI: DeFi reveals its secrets for 2025 appeared first on Cointribune.